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Are you ready to purchase equipment?
Follow Start Up Uncensored on Facebook and direct message us the promo code "PASSWORD" for an additional percentage off your equipment order!
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Matt Zolfo gives the tell all on Dental Equipment purchasing. The DO's - The DONT's & The HOW TO's! You don't want to miss this!
One of Matt’s most feverish passions is the little-known and often overlooked link between oral health and systemic wellness. Matt found great purpose through assisting doctors in conceiving their vision of oral healthcare service from inception through the process of entrepreneurship.
Watch our discussion with Matt Zolfo, and learn the #truth about what you need to know about purchasing equipment in the dental industry.
Are you ready to purchase equipment?
Follow us on Facebook and message us the word "PASSWORD" for an additional percentage off your equipment order!
Don't miss this opportunity!